What To Do When God Says "No": I Chron. 28
Sermon Tone Analysis
I. God Said “No” To A Man After His Own Heart vs. 1-3
I. God Said “No” To A Man After His Own Heart vs. 1-3
A. David’s reign is nearing an end. He is training Solomon to be a great king.
B. David recounts his dream of building a temple for God. It was a good dream/desire, but that wasn’t God’s will for David. If God will say no to a man after His own heart, then that means that God is not against you, but He is for you, just not that particular good desire/dream. “God is the sovereign ruler of the universe. He has been working throughout history to accomplish His purposes. He does not ask us to dream our dreams for Him. He does not invite us to set magnificent goals and then pray that He will help us achieve them. He already has His own agenda when He approaches us. His desire is to get us from where we are to where He is working. He leads us from being self-centered to being God-centered. When God reveals to you where He is working, that becomes His invitation to join Him in His activity. When God reveals His work to you, that is the time to respond to Him”- Henry Blackaby.
C. We are fallible men/women we won’t always go the right way. When we’re following the Lord closely it is easy to get our desires and God’s mixed up.
D. David got an answer as to why, we sometimes know immediately, a short time later, or we never get an answer this side of Heaven.
E. We should be seeking God’s will and God’s dreams for us instead of our own will/dreams for our life.
II. Find What God Has Already Told You To Do vs. 4-5
II. Find What God Has Already Told You To Do vs. 4-5
A. David was obedient to God (not always) to do what God had already told him to do… be king!
B. Some people don’t know what God has told them to do, so the “no” throws them for a loop. In that case be obedient to do what you can where you’re at, if you have a desire that is not contrary to Scripture, and God doesn’t say no then do it.
III. Support Others and Help Them vs. 6-10, 19-20
III. Support Others and Help Them vs. 6-10, 19-20
A. God chose Solomon to be the next king and to build the temple this shows God’s redemption because his mother was Bathsheba.
B. David helps him with organizing, and planning.
C. As well as encouraging Solomon. Who can you encourage today?